So, I've been asked multiple times ( I'm sure as everyone else who has made this crazy yet amazing decision has as well)...
Why the Peace Corps? Why do you need to go outside the United States, in a language you're not 100% comfortable with, in a culture that is could be completely different from your own?
My answer has and always will be: Why NOT?! I've had the itch to travel and to serve since a high school trip to Honduras where I promised myself I would finish college and give the Peace Corps more than just a second thought. Who knew when I presented this idea to my parents about 2 years ago they would be 100% supportive and as excited as I was. I will never forget telling my dad that I wanted to join the Peace Corps and his response was : "Where and when do I sign the papers?." Well... that went over a WHOLE lot better than I expected. My love for traveling paired with the constant feeling of wanting to give back has lead me right here: a month away from calling Peru home.
Me dancing with the kids at COPPROME orphanage in El Progresso, Honduras. |
I get this question a lot too: WHAT are you going to be doing?!!! So here are specifics for all of you folks taking the precious time out of your day to read this
(AND PLEASE SEND ME QUESTIONS if you have any! I'll try to answer them as best as I can).
Country: Peru
Program: Youth Development
Job Title: Youth Development Facilitator
Orientation Dates: June 9th, 2011
Pre-Service Training (in PERU): June 10th, 2011- August 18th, 2011
Dates of Service: August 19th, 2011- August 18th, 2013
The specific goal will be in support of Peace Corps Peru's overall Youth Development strategy, whose primary objective is to prepare Peruvian youth for family life, the world of work and community involvement.
Your specific responsiblities might include
-Training youth in identifying their goals and formulating action plans to help them achieve their goals.
-Helping establish a summer school program or an after-school tutoring program, to assist youth in improving their academic performance.
-Facilitating vocational training to provide young people with needed employment skills and a better understanding of the job market.
-Helping set up a youth entrepreneurship program
-Helping youth leaders develop and implement community action projects, such as trash clean-up days and tree planting campaigns.
-Helping establish athletic tournaments to promote physical fitness and higher self-esteem.
-Training adults in improved parenting techniques so families may better address the concerns of youth (I see myself channeling Papa Colby for this...)
-Training teachers and youth workers on how to incorporate important life skills into the classroom and other activities.
-Working with community partners on institutional capacity-building, strategic planning and program development.
The rest of the brochure goes on to say that this is a rewarding yet challenging job (One of the Peace Corps slogan being 'The hardest job you'll ever love'). It ends by saying "You can be assured that you will be in the forefront of youth development efforts in Peru." Awesome.
"Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience."- Paulo Coelho
Hasta la próxima vez