June 26, 2011

Where's the POLLO?!

It's time to recap this fabulous weekend!

On Saturday the Youthies made their way into.... LIMA! We all got to the center around 7:30 and started our 2 hour trek into the city. The first stop was the center of Lima where we went around in our language groups and had to ask questions (in Spanish) to strangers about the city. I also learned how to negotiate with cab drivers. It was a little awkward going over to a cabby and bargaining him down then saying to him "OK Buenas dias" and not getting into the cab. But it was good practice. After, the group went to Miraflores... a very nice part of Lima & asked questions there to. The best part of the day: STARBUCKS! I ordered a vanilla latte and closed my eyes... it was like I was home. I hadn't had coffee since I landed in Peru, and was loving life carrying around my Starbucks cup.

The best part about Lima... was having to get back. The language instructors basically told us we needed to find our own way back to Santa Eulalia... and gave us instructions (in Spanish). Kerry, Kidist and I managed to make our way home in 2 hours. We took a collectivo to Chosica... then a combi to Santa Eulalia. We were pretty proud of ourselves. Overall, I had a great time in Lima. 

TODAY was the day myself and other volunteers made FRENCH TOAST for my family. I purchased all the ingredients, came home and we started to make the food. RIGHT away my host family started saying "QUE MAS?" and "Donde el pollo?!" (WHAT ELSE and WHERE IS THE CHICKEN). The french toast was met with hestitance at first, but we won their hearts and stomachs over in NO TIME. They loved it! My host sister had 4 plates! It was extremely satfisying being able to watch the cultural exchange going on in the kitchen. The salsa was blasting and the food was great! I ended the night with mass at the church in town, which is actually pretty beautiful. Pictures to come.

Week 3 starts tomorrow (which also means the start of my YOUTH GROUP in Santa Eulalia). I can only hope my Spanish appears over night. We have Wednesday off for Saint holidays & it is also my host sister's birthday! The weeks are flying by. 

"I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think...was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different, but if I'm not the same the next question is, who in the world am I?" - Alice in Wonderland



  1. Hey nice blog, i really enjoyed reading it...
    Thanks for sharing...

  2. This is an amazing blog! I'm still in high school, but I'm already considering going into Peace Corp when I get out of undergraduate school. I think I'd like to go to a Spanish-speaking country too (I may take Spanish as a minor) so that would be amazing! Anyways, keep it up! You're a great writer.
