March 26, 2011

3.25.2010- The Invitation

Well, as most of you know, I've been quite anxious for my letter of invitation to arrive in the mail. I was waiting on a call from a Program Specialist in the Peace Corps and just as I ordered my food for my birthday dinner at Benito II in Little Italy with Mark, a (202) area code popped up on my phone. Washington, DC. I knew this was it. I went outside in the hail to hear him better and the conversation now is a blur... but I know the last thing he said was "Congratulations! Your invitation to serve is in the mail". In this packet I would finally find out where I would be for the next 2 years and the date I would be leaving. Happy 22nd birthday to me. 

So, fast forward to 2 days later... I was downstairs watching my go to channel (Bravo) when I heard the doorbell ring around 4pm. Then, I heard my mom tell me something came from the Peace Corps. I ran upstairs and saw the big BLUE packet sitting on the kitchen table. I don't think I ripped open my college acceptance letters as fast as I did this envelope. And there it was... my assignment.......

I leave June 9th, 2011 and tentatively return August 18th, 2013. This process hasn't been easy, and at times I thought my dream wouldn't come true.... but it's finally here.  My job title, once I complete training, is  Youth Development Facilitator which means I will be helping the youth and young adults of Peru learn life skills, build self-esteem and leadership. I will work along government organizations and NGO's.

I've never been more excited for something in my life & I could not be more thankful to have 2 extremely supportive parents that have been nothing but helpful through this whole experience. I'm also lucky to have some incredibly amazing friends and boyfriend that I know are clearing their schedule now for a vacation below the equator :) 

I cannot say THANK YOU enough to the people who got me here. A special shout out to goes to the 3 people who wrote my letters of recommendation when I first started this process... Abby Rzepnicki, Jack Davis and Megan Brown. Two of whom are my closest and dearest friends. Abby and Jack, I know as much as you wished you could keep me here, you knew in your hearts it I was meant to do this (Abby, out of all my friends I know I'll be seeing you in Peru, my little world traveler. To Jack: Just remember "You'll always be my plus 1") . I really, really can't tell you both how much it meant to me to write those letters on my behalf. 

And, to Megan, I couldn't have asked for a better boss and friend for my first internship, ever. You taught me so much & made coming to work fun. Thank-you for taking the time out of your busy day to not write me a letter once... but twice (sorry again for losing the first copy).
NOW,  I wait until June 9th comes around. I'll enjoy all the American food I can and cherish the remaining time I have with all my close family and friends. ADIOS, for now.

"If you are brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting (which can be anything from your house to your bitter old resentments) and set out on a truth-seeking journey (either externally or internally), and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue, and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher, and if you are prepared – most of all – to face (and forgive) some very difficult realities about yourself….then truth will not be withheld from you." -Eat, Pray, Love

Hasta la próxima vez 

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