September 20, 2012

When Hunger Strikes

This is dedicated to anyone who has been around me when I’m hungry. You are all saints.

 Lately, I’ve been waking up TEMPRANITO.

((Break in the story: By tempranito I mean 8 am.  I’ve had debates with Hugo many a times on what exactly tempranito is. The other night he asked me what I had planned for the next day. I told him I was waking up tempranito. He gave me his Hugo glare and bellowing voice “Brielle, 8am is not TEMPRANITO, 6am is, pues.” Ok Hugo, who died and made you ruler on what is early and what is not? To each her/his own. ))

So, anyways, I woke up early yesterday and guzzled down 3 cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee on an empty stomach. Ah, the taste of home. Thirty minutes later I felt like I was having a heart attack and I couldn’t sit still. I was going to be spending the day in one of the annexes of Vice, and the extra caffeine was helping… until of course the inevitable crash.

Oh and did I crash. I was cranky, sunburnt, and uh-oh… hungry. I was so irritable that on the entire hour car ride home through the desert I was thinking of the quickest food I could prepare to suck down. However, everyday when I come home Hugo is there to welcome me and ask me to check his email for him, get my clean clothes out of his room and tell me every detail about his day. Not. Right. Now. Hugo.

Let me preface this also by saying… this is not the first time this has happened.

Hugo was learning. He saw immediately in my eyes and heard in my voice that I was in the “Brielle -hasn’t- eaten –all- day- don’t- speak -to –her- until -she –has- food –in- her- mouth- no –she- will- not- sit- at -the –table- and- yes- she- will- eat- it- with- her- hands –because- she- can’t- find -silverware” mood. Before he could even tell me to go downstairs and eat I said, “Yes, I’m starving, I haven’t eaten all day”. Then I got the look. The look I dread.

Rosa. Is. Not. Home.

Sure, I have tons of lettuce in the fridge and some oatmeal mom sent from home. Nothing I knew would satisfy the hunger I had. I pouted the whole way down the ladder (yes we have a large ladder that goes into our kitchen in the back) hoping that Rosa had saved something from lunch. Nope, she left for the chakra and forget about her beloved hija.

Now Hugo is laughing. Oh no you don’t Hugo. This is not the time or the place to be laughing at me. I will cut you up into pieces, marinate you and throw you on the gas stove with some papas fritas as a side. Just as I finished fantasizing about a Hugo sandwich I heard these words “Brielle I have food for you. My mom told me you ask to try some of this yesterday. We brought it down in a tupper for you.” 


I looked up and Hugo was in shock.

“Tienes suerte, Brielle, tienes mucho suerte.”

Why do I have luck must you ask? As Hugo put it “You scream and pout about being hungry and food just magically appears prepared for you.”

Yes, I was being a baby, but I was hungry.

Let’s not forget that Hugo stood next to me (like I said I don’t sit) and was eating some of my food. He only got away with this after bringing a large bottle of Inca Kola to share.

 … and everyone lived happily ever after without a Hugo sandwich.

“You are like the world’s most annoying Tamogachi”
- Lucas Stellar

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Brielle,
    ¡Hola! As you've got links to all the otherP-17 blogs on you page I figured you might be a good person to forward my question to. I''m an RPCV (Armenia 2008-10)who's been living in Argentina for a while and due to decresing value of the peso, among other things is moing back to the states. My girlfriend and I are flying out of Lima because it's a lot cheaper than anywhere around here and figured we'd take a bus through Bolivia and Peru. I've been working for a traveling acting company here and have been over a lot of latin America. the website is in case you've got any curiousity about that. Anyway, I'd like to hang out with some PCV in their villages or even in Lima if that's the only option. I'd like to see something of Peru other than the usual stuff and I love meeting other PCVs. If you know anyone that might be interested in putting up my girlfriend and I for a night or two that would be quite awesome, especially if they live in the south (does anyone live down there?) If not, I'd be willing to travel to the north just to have the opportunity to see village life. We could bring some peanut butter (I don't know if you guys have it in Lima) or some other American food item. Just let me know what you guys'd like and if I can find it in Buenos Aires or La Paz I'll bring some in return for your hospitality. Thanks a lot. -Jonny
