September 19, 2011

Candle Lit Dinners and Peru 18

I have offically fallen in love with my host family. It took a little awhile because I had the most AMAZING host family in Lima. Photos of the family in Lima below :)

Grams, Carmen, Sleepy Bryanna and I after swearing in!


Me, Carmen and Lucas. Her gringo children.

Tough girl Bryanna

Lucas and Bryanna.

I actually talked to my host family in Lima yesterday afternoon. Peru 18 has arrived in Peru! They got their host families yesterday and around 2pm I got a phone call from Melissa. I got to talk to the new volunteer that is staying with them. They have a boy this time around which is probably a good thing considering my host mom is going to be having a new baby girl in OCTOBER! The house is going to be FILLED with women! I let him know that he got extermely lucky with this host family and that I´m very celosa that he gets to spend the next 3 moths with them. HOWEVER, back here in Tamarindo. I have offically fallen in love with my fam! 

Here a few pictures... I have more... but until I get a new charger I can´t do anything with them. I will upload them as soon as I have chance. These are pictures of SOME of my host faily (I have a HUGE family...they don´t all live wtih me.. but I have  3 host sisters and 3 host brothers ranging from the ages of 25 to 39...and some of them have babies). I live with 2 of my host brothers, one of which is my socio, and my host mom. Here are some pictures of my two host sisters (Rosa and Mercy) and their kids.

Mercy and her baby girl.

Mercy, her two babies and pregnant ROSA!

Mercy´s son
Mercy´s daughter

Rosa and her son Nader

I have some great pictures of my family from Rosa´s birthday a few weeks ago and as soon as I can turn my computer on I will share them with all of you.

So, my host mom is HYSTERICAL. The other night the power went out in Tamarindo for a few hours and my host mom, my host brother and I had dinner by candlelight. My host mom kept saying how romantic our dinner was and later taught me a pretty funny song in Spanish. It  was really awesome sitting there realizing I was in the middle of nowhere Peru, eating a HUGE plate of rice and chicken (what else would I be eating, obviously), by candlelight because the power was off (which happens every so often here in Tamarindo). Little by little my host siblings began trickling into the house to chat. I´m super happy to have older host siblings, and I´m also happy some of them have kids. I get the perfect balance of adults and children coming in and out of the house.

Other news to announce.... I have a parasite... but nothing some medicine can´t cure! My stomache has been a little off lately and I finally gave in a called my PCMO´s . Hopefully I start to feel a little better. Also, the heat is starting get worse here in Tamarindo and I can´t imagine what it´s going to be like in December.

Also, thanks mom and dad for the french press and DUNKIN DONUTS COFFEE. I´ve been sharing it with my host family & they love it. Every morning I sit down with my host sister Mercy and have a cup of coffee. The caffeine kick is incredible. I forgot how much I miss coffee in America.

And because I´m on a Dawson´s Creek kick (Thanks to Kelsey Goering, the best site neighbor ever that bought all the seasons and passed them off to me)... I´m going to leave you with a quote from the best television series that ever graced the airwaves. Don´t you miss the Joey, Pacey, Dawson love triangle????

¨So the only thing iIcould think of that unites us all, that we all have in common, is that we start out in kindergarten thinking we can be anything we want to be, and by the time we get here, we've all lost that feeling. We've all started to believe whatever our friends or our parents have told us about what we can achieve in life, and who we can be, and we've forgotten about the possibility we had when we were younger, thats the one thing we all have in common. So that´s the symbol on this mural means, possibility, I painted it because i thought we could all use a little daily reminder of the fact that if you believe in yourself, even when the odds seem stacked against you, anything is possible .¨
-Dawson´s Creek

Until next time,

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