October 10, 2011

4 months in Perú

I decided to start this blog post of with a post from my favorite movie of ALL TIME. There's no crying in baseball. There's no crying in Peace Corps (ok, maybe a little). ;) 

So, in celebration of making four months (and all the rest of Perú 17 as well, which is HUGE), I would like to talk about the 4 things in Peace Corps Perú that I have enjoyed and love the most. It was hard to narrow down this list and currently hanging in my room in a running list of the things I love, I've got a little over 50 at this point. 

1. My Peace Corps Family: This includes all of Perú 17 (Youth and Small Business), the rest of the groups of Peace Corps Volunteers (Perú 15 in Piura , I will most likely cry at your despedida), and staff (PCMO's are a GOD SEND). It's really cliché to say this... but most of these people have become like family to me in the very little time we've been here. When social norms, like keeping your bowel movements to yourself, are thrown at the window... it is quite hard not to get close really quickly. Also, it helps to talk to people who understand what is going on because they themselves are going through the same stuff. I got super lucky being placed close to other volunteers at site (shout-outs to Kelsey, Kyle and Lucas) and have been able to get to know people from all over the United States. So, this is a special thank-you, to my Peace Corps family... this experience would be so much harder without ya'll!

2. My family and friends back home: How can this be a reason I love Peace Corps Perú? Well, because without them I'd probably have already bought my first plane ticket home. I can't remember the countless times I talked to my parents my first week at site and couldn't for the life of me figure out why I chose to do this. Thankfully, I have a wonderful set of parents who know what I really want, when I'm whining about something else. Also, my friends. You don't realize how great your friend are most of the time until you move 3,000 miles away: especially the ones that take the time to write stupid emails (that would be a normal text conversation back home. Amanda Cuppi, you win this one) to keep me in the loop, the ones that send me goofy care packages just to make me laugh (Jack Davis), and the ones that make countdowns for your return (Aaron Cebular, this ones for you). So, thank-you, family and friends for making this journey in my life so much more enjoyable and for thinking of me constantly. 

3. Time to do things I've always wanted to do and most importantly... time to think. When I was living in the United States I often felt like I had no time. That's the wonderful thing about Perú the time flies... but it also stands very still sometimes. I've been known to make hasty decisions and leave "wakes" in my paths as most people say... so this experience has given the opportunity to take the time to see everything from all ends: whether it be about the present or my future. 

4. Host Families. The smartest thing Peace Corps Perú ever did was make it a rule that volunteers live with a host family throughout their entire service because this is NOT the case in other posts. Host families are not only crucial to integration... they make the whole experience that much more amazing. Juana has recently been calling me daughter when she addresses me, and the first time she did it I was stunned. Juana spent most of my 4 months here only calling me Aná, but the other night, as I spent the day suffering with this uncurable stomach snake... I heard her ask me if I needed anything and she added daughter at the end of it. I have transitioned from crazy white girl who pays rent to part of the family & that those of you in Peace Corps know that it's an amazing feeling. I got lucky to be a part of a family in Lima and I look forward to being "Juana's gringa daughter" for the next two years. 

Happy 4 months, Perú 17 (especially my Youthies... can't wait to see ya'll at Early IST)

Hope you're all still snackin' See you soon :)

Yo, Kyle and Kelsey: My youthie site neighbors, who I adore.
Lucas and I 

Because I'm missing Grey's Anatomy this season... I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from the show.

"You never know the biggest day of your life is going to be the biggest. The days you think are going to be big ones, are never as big as you make them out to be in your head. It’s the regular days, the ones that start out normal those are the days that end up being the biggest. You never know today is the biggest day of your life. You don’t recognize the biggest day of your life until you are right in the middle of it. The day you commit to somebody, someone. The day you get your heart broken. The day you meet your soul mate. The day you realize… there’s not enough time because you want to live forever. Those are the biggest days, the perfect days." -Grey's Anatomy

Until Next Time,

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