August 25, 2011

Yo soy Ana.

I have been meaning to tell this part of my story for awhile, and I seemed to forget until I just heard someone scream for me. They didn´t call me Brielle or Bri for that matter.

In my sweet and tiny pueblo of Tamarindo I´m the token gringita, but my name is Ana. When I was living in Lima it was really easy for most people to say my name. I had to roll the r for them when I said it, but I ended up thinking it sounded better that way. I was happy that Peruvians were able to say my name because I can see it being difficult to say. 

However, when I arrived in Tamarindo... I realized that Brielle was going to be a stretch for some people. So I began stating my full name to them: Brielle Ann Colby. Most people would attempt the Brielle and then just raise their hands and say ¨no, Ana es mas facil¨. 
So now... yo soy Ana. 

My host mom started screaming Ana and I wouldn´t come to dinner because I thought she was calling for someone else and socios were trying to get my attention and I wouldn´t respond. Then one day it just clicked. A girl from my town screamed ANA!!!!!!!!!! down the street and I turned on the first attempt. 

Living in the campo has been quite the adjustment from my life in the States and my life during training, but poco a poco I´m getting acostumbardo. The campo is a much more slow paced life...but slowly and surely I´m beginning to love it. 

I appreciate the woman down the dirt road who hand makes her own yogurt and makes unbelievable fruit salads. 
I enjoy sitting in the plaza reading my kindle for hours in the sun.
 I´m getting used to the sound of the farm animals in the morning.  
I look forward to hearing more and more people screaming for Ana during  the next two years.

It´s only day 3 in site. Poco a Poco....

Out of respect for things that I was never destined to do, I have learned that my strengths are a result of my weaknesses, my success is due to my failures and my style is directly related to my limitations. - Billy Joel 

Until next time

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you in Peru. I hope you have a great two years there. It is great what you and the other PCV are doing.
