June 11, 2011

Passport Stamped. Hello Peru!

I've finally finished my first day in PERU! We got into our recreational center late last night. The plane ride from Miami to Peru wasn't so bad and I got to watch "The Company Men." It was pretty good. I also had the sweetest Peruvian man sitting next to me who told me all of the great places to visit before I leave. All 51 of us, traveling by ourselves, made it through customs and got our bags. We took 2 busses to the rec center. It was dark when we got there and I was SO exhausted so I went to bed pretty quickly.  I woke up around 7:00a.m. and guess what... I took my first COLD shower in PERU! :) It wasn't so bad. I'm used to them after having to take them in Honduras.

I walked outside and I was literally surrounded by mountains! Freakin' crazy, uploading pictures soon!

We ate breakfast this morning- roll, cheese, jelly and INSTANT coffee. I actually had tea here and it was freakin' awesome. I had 3 cups of it today. I love it. After breakfast we went to hours and hours of meetings for safety, medical... and some Spanish first lessons so we can talk to our host families tomorrow (which is giving me anxiety at the moment). For lunch we had avacado and steak and of course... Potatoes! The PCMOs (Peace Corps Medical Officers) are the greatest and all the staff are really, really nice!

I got to Skype my parents :) and some of my friends here go to meet them :) I'm already having a really great time. I'll be training in Santa Eulalia, Peru.

So, everyone reading this, please say a little prayer tomorrow that I get a very nice host family that likes me. Really, say one, like right now.

Well... I don't know when I'm getting internet next. SO! Training starts Monday! PERU 17! 

"You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourselfs." -Harvey Firestone

Hasta la próxima vez 


  1. how did you skype mom and dad?

  2. So Glad you are doing ok. Kellie and I will be saying prayers for you... Stay safe and we look forward to following you via the blog...
    Mike and kellie Conley

  3. I am saying a prayer that the water you used to make your 3 cups of tea was boiled. Colin and i linked tepid cocca tea to our very unattrative "situation" in cusco. Also praying your host family has a nice potty. :)
    Hope you are having a blast. Did you eat a llama yet?
